Our Ministries

In Kingdom Kids, we offer a safe and clean nursery for children ages newborn to 3 years old. Our goal is to make sure that each parent is comfortable leaving their child in our care. We make sure the children have a safe environment, appropriate toys and child friendly furniture to keep them happy. Our staff are well seasoned members of NCT and in Christ, we are focused on the well-being of your children. We love the children who come through our nursery, and we aim to take the worry off of each parent so they can enjoy and receive what God has for them in service.

Covenant Kids
Sundays at 11AMIn Covenant Kids, we want church to be a place where your entire family is encouraged to draw closer to Christ—your kids included! That's why, during our Sunday morning worship services, we offer fun and engaging environments where children can learn and grow in faith as well. All our kids' programs are designed to be safe places where children in our church can learn new and exciting things about God while being led and cared for by adult volunteers from our congregation. It's our hope to encourage children to not only discover new things about God, but also begin to understand how those things matter in their own lives.

Sunday School
Sunday School classes are available for youth and young adults, children and new believers. These classes are a wonderful way to learn scripture, grow in your faith and build lasting relationships with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Tabernaculo del Nuevo Pacto Spanish Ministry
Sundays at 8:30AMMeeting the needs of those whose primary language is Spanish, join us for this church service Sundays at 8:30am.

Hearts for Jesus
Third Fridays 7PM
Our mission for Hearts for Jesus children's ministry is based on the scriptures Proverbs 22:6 and Mark 12:30-31, to teach children to love Jesus with all their heart. We teach children that in order to have a heart for Jesus, they must be born again according to John 3:3 and Romans 10:8-17. During special events, the children sing as a way for them to show their love for God.

Youth & Young Adults
ThirD Fridays 7PM
Young Adults
Third Fridays &
Third Saturdays 7PM
In youth and young adults ministry, we strive to lead young people to become passionate followers of Christ. Our mission is to teach and inspire the next generation to be founded in their faith and confident in their identity in Christ.
We encourage this generation to walk boldly towards Christ, apply His truth to their lives, and develop strong, life-changing relationships with God. We want them to know Jesus so that they might be excited about sharing the Gospel and making Jesus known to others.

First Fridays 7PM
Covenant Women’s ministry’s purpose and goal is to train up, equip and sharpen one another in the admiration of the Lord by preparing women to "Fight the good fight of Faith." We come together in prayer, worship and God’s word to establish new relationships, and become what He has called us to be.

Never Alone
Third Fridays 7PM
The purpose of Never Alone Ministry is to minister and encourage women through the word of God, and to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus so they can live victorious and fulfilling lives. We invite all unmarried women which includes women who are head of households, widowed or divorced whether young or old, and those women who may be grieving.

First Fridays 7PM
Covenant Men’s ministry’s purpose is to train men to be servant leaders to their families, churches and community. To challenge men to keep their word and be responsible fathers, faithful husbands and men of character.

Couples (Married & Dating)
Third Fridays 7PM
Rock Covenant Marriage Ministry exists to ensure that premarital, married couples and families are equipped with a strong biblical foundation so they can strengthen their relationships with Christ and each other.

Street Witnessing
Saturdays at 4:30pm
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Senior Church
2nd & 4th Sundays at 1:30-2:30PM
We minister to the elderly in convalescent homes by bringing a church atmosphere to them. We praise, worship, pray and share the word of God.

Bonita Home Group
Fourth Firdays 7PM
We provide an intimate home setting to study the Word of God with each other (and eat really good food).

Saturdays at 7am
We believe that there is power when we join together and corporately believe and pray. We recognize our adversary and through the power of Jesus' name through the Holy Spirit, we wage war in heavenly realms.